We generally suggest bringing your child for an initial screening exam around the age of 7, as some orthodontic concerns are best addressed with early interception. Some examples of early interceptive include:
- Invisalign® Mandibular Advancement can be used to correct an overbite and possibly even prevent the need for surgery in the future.
- Invisalign® or Braces can be used to help create space for permanent teeth than may be blocked from erupting naturally.
- Expansion Appliances can be used to expand the width of the palate, helping to reduce crowding or correct crossbites.
- Motion II and Motion III can be used to correct overbites and underbites, and can also prevent the need for surgery down the road.
Once teens have all of their permanent teeth in, or close to it, we can begin comprehensive treatment that generally involves straightening teeth and bite correction.
- Speed Brackets are self-ligating, which means that a small clip replaces the usual elastics on each bracket. This makes the brackets can be much smaller and hygienic. Plus, using these brackets can reduce visits and treatment time for our patients in comparison to traditional braces.
- Invisalign® can be a great alternative to braces. With Dr. Broadwell’s extensive education and training, he is able to treat most cases using Invisalign clear aligners. Benefits of Invisalign include increased comfort throughout treatment, and not having to worry about knocking off braces with crunchy, sticky food. Invisalign treatment can often be faster than traditional braces, and maintaining oral hygiene is much easier with these removable aligners. A quick look at Invisalign® treatment for teens.
- Motion II and Motion III appliance can be used to correct overbites and underbites early in teen treatment. These appliances are generally followed by either braces or Invisalign®, and often decrease overall treatment time.
A great thing about orthodontics is that they can be started at any age. For our adult patients, we are also have treatment options to help related problems, like jaw soreness and obstructive sleep apnea.
- Invisalign® is our most popular option for adults requiring orthodontic treatment. It is an efficient, comfortable and discreet option for our many adult patients. How Invisalign® treatment works.
- Orthopedic Splint Therapy can be used with adult patients experiencing jaw soreness or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). This appliance repositions the bite in order to redistribute forces applied to the jaw joints, the teeth and the associated muscles.
- Mandibular Repositioning devices can be used for those who experience snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. This appliance brings the lower jaw forward to open the airway and improve airflow while you sleep. If you snore or think you may have sleep apnea, check it this video and schedule a consult with your primary care physician for an evaluation to determine if an oral sleep appliance is appropriate for you. Sleep Apnea.